Aldergrove InformationAldergrove Community League 8535 - 182 Street Edmonton, Alberta, T5T 1X1 Hours: Monday - Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Thursday - Sunday - CLOSED Office Phone: (780) 481-1588 Childcare Phone: (780) 481-9153 Fax: (780) 489-6283 Email: [email protected] Like us on Facebook Find us on the CommuniBee app ***Aldergrove Community League will be featured here soon!
Community League Meetings
Aldergrove's executive meeting will be held on: Second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. (except December, July and August) EVERYONE IS WELCOME Please call Connie at 780-481-1588 Memberships Information Memberships for a family (any size ) are $35.00 per year and are valid from September 1 to August 31. For more information please click here. Community Postings
Aldergrove Community League
Sharon Daubert Memorial SCHOLARSHIP Aldergrove Community League each year awards scholarships to two students who reside in the Aldergrove area and are pursuing a post secondary education. These students must be 21 years of age or younger. The scholarships are worth $ 500.00 each and are presented in the fall. A letter of application is to be submitted to the Executive at the Community League office by October 8, 2024 responding to the following criteria: a) Academic achievement b) Aldergrove Community League involvement c) Good Character d) School activity involvement The applicant’s name, address and phone number should be included in the letter of application. The Applicants OFFICIAL transcript and copy of a letter of acceptance to a post secondary institution (University, College or Technical) should be forwarded to the Community League Office by October 8, 2024. The applicant must have parents who reside in Aldergrove and are members of the Aldergrove Community League in good standing for 2 years. Seniors Assisted Transportation Society
SATS provides safe and affordable volunteer transportation to low-income seniors. For more information please call: (780) 732-1221 or visit Useful Links
- City of Edmonton
- Edmonton 311 - Edmonton Police - Edmonton Events for Children and Family - Youth Programs - City of Edmonton - Senior Programs - City of Edmonton - Neighbourhood Watch - Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues - Discover Edmonton - Electronic Recycling Association |
Current News & EventsDue to the cold weather expected on Family Day February 17th, the Family Day Event has been postponed until March 15th. The Pancake Breakfast and LRT Information event has been expanded to include the events, such as the horse drawn sleigh rides, which were going to take place on Family Day. On March 15th the event will run from 10 am until 1 pm.
Westend Seniors Activity Centre is very excited to announce we are opening a new Men’s Shed at our centre. This event is a great opportunity for men of all ages to connect with others. I have attached a poster and graphic for social media and we are hoping you can help us promote to the men living in your community. I have also included the event details below
WESENIORS MEN’S SHED OPEN HOUSE AND LAUNCH Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Location: Westend Seniors Activity Centre – 9629 176 Street NW, Edmonton 6:30 p.m. – Welcome Message Our Executive Director will welcome everyone in attendance and provide a short presentation on the organization 6:45 p.m – What Is A Men’s Shed Our Men’s Shed Coordinator Mark will outline what our plans are for our Men’s Shed. 7:00 p.m. – Tours Of Our Centre We will be giving tours of our centre and showcasing our workshop, games & billiards room, fitness room where our Men’s Shed will be meeting throughout 2025. 7:15 p.m. – Wrap up The WSAC team and Men’s Shed coordinator will be onhand to answer any questions you may have We will also have some resources available to everyone who attends. HOW TO RSVP 2025 Outdoor Soccer Information
Registration opens on February 3rd and will close on Feb 28th. To access registration information, visit: Fees are as follows: Swim time updates
Jasper place pool will be open during the following times: Mar 17 - Aug 25 from 4-6 pm Sept 1 - Aug 31, 2025 from 4-6 pm. Exciting news and upcoming events happening at WSAC!
1. OUR NEW FALL 2024 PROGRAM GUIDE IS HERE! Get your copy now! Our 2024 Membership Incentive starts September 1st, 2024! All for just $70 you can enjoy:
Learn more here! 2. CULINARY COMPASS – OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS (non-members welcome!)
Community League Membership Benefits
Thinking of becoming a community league member? Check out our Membership Info page for more information on all the great benefits! Already a member? Check out the Membership Info page to make sure you are getting all you can from your membership! Signing up for notifications is easy! The 24 hour advance notice of a parking ban, through text and/or email, helps drivers avoid a $250 fine. It also helps crews clear roads safely and more efficiently. Subscribers are even notified of when a ban has ended. Visit to sign up for notifications.
Are you new to Canada and Edmonton?
If so, check out the Newcomers section for some helpful information provided by the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers. Side By Side Campaign
The City's newest Vision Zero educational campaign, Side By Side campaign celebrates all the ways Edmontonians move around our streets and seeks to positively influence attitudes and behaviours around travelling safely together. Over the coming weeks and months, the City will introduce educational resources that highlight ways to keep each other safe on the street. First up, the focus will be to increase understanding and awareness of the Safe Passing Distance Bylaw that came into effect last September. When we support active transportation like biking and walking, we reduce vehicles and traffic congestion on our streets and support physical activity. This makes Edmonton better for everyone. Currently, some Edmontonians don’t feel safe when biking, walking, and rolling around Edmonton. We want to help Edmontonians travel safely together. Edmonton’s Safe Passing Distance Bylaw provides clear guidance for how much room people driving need to leave to safely pass people biking on the street. Passing at a safe distance helps make sure everyone gets to their destination incident-free. Four things to keep in mind when passing people cycling and scooting on the street:
Get involved and learn more using the following resources:
Vision Zero URL: #YEGstreets Volunteer opportunities for "Aldergrove Community League" are now open.
Please click on the following web link (or copy it into your web browser if clicking doesn't work) to go to the signup sheet: To sign up, just follow the instructions on the page. It only takes a few seconds to do. Thank you for volunteering! AHS Emergency Medical Services has provided the following information on heat related illnesses and backyard play safety.
As hospitals resume procedures that were put on hold for COVID-19, we are adding more blood donation appointments to meet patient needs and we need to fill every available appointment."
#DonorsAreEssential #CanadasLifeline Book now at: OR: Scan QR code below for ease of booking: Kids On Track is a Christian non-profit located in West Edmonton. We are a community building organization that provides hope, direction, and ongoing support for children, youth, and their parents. Educational, social, and recreational elements are combined to deliver well-rounded programs. We cultivate relationships with participants encouraging character and leadership development, social skills, and a healthy lifestyle. We strive to support families that have limited opportunities due to various challenges.
Traditionally, Kids On Track has been able to offer day-camps for children all summer long. This summer we have sadly had to suspend the day camp program but we began looking at what we CAN do. So, our Active Families program is EXPANDING! This is a chance for parents to get active and get creative WITH their children, fostering a stronger family relationship through shared experiences. We will be offering four activity slots per week M-Th as well as two Saturdays a month. There's something for everyone! Activities like container gardening, nature games, bike days, craft days, and creative outside games will all be a part of the summer. We will provide all equipment and supplies. We will align with all the guidelines provided from the province of Alberta including social distancing. SHIFT YOUTH:
We know that these last few months have been rough on teenagers. Their mental health has taken a hit as well as their activity levels. We are excited to announce that the Shift Youth program will be offering outdoor recreation activities four days a week M-Th, with a morning time slot and an afternoon time slot. Activities like bubble soccer, giant games, and high ropes are just a couple of the amazing activities our team has planned. The team is working hard to ensure that all activities will align with the guidelines provided from the province of Alberta including social distancing. YMCA has recently launched “YMCA at Home”.
YMCA at Home is FREE for everyone and is a virtual YMCA connecting people to at-home workouts, children’s programs and physical activity, and personal wellness resources. You can learn more on our YMCA at Home website: and on our social media pages: and 8 week fitness program for seniors
Produced by the Westend Seniors Activity Center. There are videos for each of the exercises with clear instructions on how to do each exercise. PLUS, there will be a PDF for those seniors that are not online, don't have facebook, etc. Announcements
1. There have been some emails and letters going around the neighborhood about an app called This app is not connected to the Community League at all. Stormwater Facilities have become popular recreation hotspots in Edmonton and this is not good practice. These facilities have a job to do; they are an important part of the stormwater drainage infrastructure in the city and help prevent flooding during severe weather events and by collecting run off from city streets. Water moves through these facilities throughout the year creating instability and when combined with the substances that are washed into the facility from the streets they become dangerous. Recreation on these facilities is prohibited, although it is not widely recognized. Families should find safe winter recreation alternatives. EPCOR has compiled a list of safe skating sites in Edmonton, which can be searched on our website at
Grove City Chorus - A Capella
Thursday's from 7 to 9:30 p.m. All male acapella group practices at the community league. They are looking for new singers! Check out their webpage for more information: OUT OF SCHOOL CARE DONATIONS
We are a not for profit run Out of School Care facility. We would appreciate donations of empty pop bottles, toys, books & games in good condition (and all game pieces included), as well as paper & craft supplies. We also collect pop tabs in partnership with Ronald McDonald House. Cash donation also accepted. |